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weekly blog

Prepping for a new chapter & Baking - Building a lowpoly


artist credit
Jonas Meyer
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Evening People!Got some pretty special news this week, I finally decided to get a little more serious about myself and start building something that is going to serve as the beginning of a new chapter.Beginning of a new chapterThe first step in this chapter will be the creation of a dedicated website for all my content, allowing me more customisation options and would allow me to properly take care of the layout of the blog on how it's presented. Its been bugging me for ages how my blog looks on my personal website and its about time to do something about that fact.It will also allow me for more options in terms of offering things to people, when they go on sale etc...Obviously this comes with a big concern from my end "What if people won't want to see your content in your own site?" Well that's something I have dear to my heart and worry about, but that being said, if I remain on Artstation I'm going to be leaving a lot of potential behind for future plans. I'm looking forward to the future! But first prepping all my content for a big move to a new home.Victoriya Anda artbookAnother awesome thing that happened this week is that I finally got my own copy of Victoriya Anda's artbook, she has turned the concepts the did for the first Artstation challenge and other concepts into one big book that builds a beautiful world. She reached out to me because I picked her concepts in that challenge and turned them into a full environment, which she decided on putting in the book.It's all in Russian though, but that's just a minor point. It's still awesome to hold this in my own hands!If you want to check out her work or are interested in the book head on over to the album that she made for the book showcasing some of the work included.https://www.artstation.com/anda/albums/44037 ,So this also brings me to this week's work in progress, I've been working on preparing the outline for the website and how I want to present it to other people.There is a lot of stuff that comes with this as well, so I have been doing some digging in how to optimize images, search engine optimisation, heading maps, and more...All these topics can be super deep as well, so I was playing around with the idea of hiring someone, but then in the end I ended up using Webflow and started building them myself.The biggest chunk of work is going through all the blog post content and making it so that I can easily transfer them between sites too. I was already doing the blogs in Notion, but I wasn't keeping in in mind that this was going to be formatted differently, this is also why I'm going through all the blog posts and preparing them in a way that works as CSV file, then importing them into the Webflow system is going to be easy.I'm just to glad that Webflow allows me to move things over like this as doing this all manually would be hell. So I'm really enjoying working with Webflow and it makes me excited to see what the future brings!But it's going to be fun going through 90 blog posts and prepping them all. So wish me luck!


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From artists all over the world, these are artworks that have been shared by our community and have inspired us all!

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From artists all over the world, these are artworks that have been shared by our community and have inspired us all!

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From artists all over the world, these are artworks that have been shared by our community and have inspired us all!

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