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team challenge documentation


team challenge


The first milestone, and it's an early one, but the plan you put forward here can and most likely will change, but for us this is a really important one, we treat this more like a "gate" then a milestone. For us this is also more a test of team cohesion, unified vision and discussion abilities.

What we need from you at this stage is the following:
MAIN IDEA: Pitch for the main idea, consisting of at least one line of text
REFERENCE & MOODBOARD: Images that convey the mood, setting and style the team will go for during production.
BLOCKOUT: A blockout for the project that gives a good sense of the scene, can be really simple cubes and cylinders at this point, this will be judged in combination with the current idea
ASSET LIST: A list of assets with people attached to give us an idea of people and their time invested compared to these assets. (This list can change during production, but it's important to already have a look at this.)

The second milestone is less strict . We expect to see some good progress on the assets/task for each team member. The overall scene should be showing signs of moving towards to end vision.

What we need from you at this stage is the following:
WIP SCREENSHOTS: Recent screenshots of scene and the individual assets, The team organiser will make one post containing all the images for the team.


The final milestone, congratulations!
For the final submission the final images/videos should be shared in the #tc-post-your-results channel for community see
and uploaded to the cloud link provide in the form a zip file containing hi-res versions of the final renders with the correct naming.

What we need from you at this final stage is the following:

At least 1 main render - 1920 x 1080 minimum named "ChallengeTheme_TeamName_MainScreenshot_XX"
Showcasing the entire scene in one shot

Other optional render(s) - 1920 x 1080 minimum "ChallengeTheme_TeamName_Screenshot_XX"
Additional shots for specific details, different area's or camera angles

Progress GIF "
screenshots of the scene as it progressed from the perspective of the main shot made into a simple gif

Optional Video Render "ChallengeTheme_TeamName_Video"
Highly recommended if scene has moveable pieces in it to make it feel alive.