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weekly blog

[#20] - Glass shaders, Channel packing and Vytautas Katarzis!


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Vytautas Katarzis
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Evening people!Been super busy this week, and even got a couple off days of to get all my stuff sorted out because I am also working on something new and exciting, and I hope it will work out!I don't tend to really do this, but I have been getting the occasional feedback from random people online saying that they like this blog and you can not imagine how good that makes me feel! For real, I have to thank all of you for taking the time to read through this :D,Holographic displaysSpend a lot of time refining materials that I have going in the scene now, such as the holographic displays, glass and some benchmark textures to test to get some consistency in the scene such as the wrench and other tools, the wrench is pretty final, except for some dirt/wear and tear.Another thing I spend some time on, are the holographic displays which are now using parallax instead of using multiple layers of alpha mapped planes, which are expensive especially when stacked this might be the cheaper alternative.The side effect to using this method is that smaller text is going to get lost with all the dithering that goes on, but for large surfaces it gives a nice effect when you look at it at an angle, like seen below.Glass shader/materialThis is where most of my time went to, these 2 bottles right here. It is always a struggle to make a good shader with unreal Engine materials, but I think this is good enough for now as a base, now I just need to get some more dirt on it, add labels and fill them with stuff! :D I am also thinking about making a little breakdown on how to approach this material for those who are interested, let me know and I will squeeze it in somewhere.Benchmark assetsThe wrench is probably the first asset that is in kind of a finished state, but it was more a test to get the texel density to a good number so I can use that for all the other assets that are going to be in the scene.A little overview, not that much changed this week with spending too much time on other stuff, but still felt like I got some nice results out of it this week :D‍


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