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weekly blog

[#62] - More Foliage & Unreal Engine Contact Shadows


artist credit
Alisher Mirzoev
weekly blog

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Evening people!Hope you all had a great week, I know that I had fun working on a bunch of different things this week. But first, as mentioned in my previous blogpost, the compilation containing all my weekly tips/tricks is now available here! So if you are looking for over 50+ pages of awesome tips/tricks make sure to check it out.But I mentioned it before already, so let's move on!Another thing I am looking into is restructuring some other things to make some more time for my personal work as I felt for a long time that I was not pending enough time on doing my own personal work. Which leads me to rethink the way I handle things with the mentorship/patreon stuff, but more on that later!Mentorship BreakThis came from previously discussed point of not having enough time to spend on Personal work. Currently this is planned to only be a one month break, but who knows maybe something else comes up that might be a better way to balance my time and spending time talking to and helping people.The thing that I don't want to do is totally give up helping people get into the industry, this also why I am thinking about different solutions that allow me to do these things and balance it with my personal work.Restructuring PatreonThis has lead me to restructure the way that I had setup my Patreon so now there is a dedicated tier for getting access to my weekly blog compilation. So now I will need to look into the options that I have in mind going forward on how to do the additional tiers and give the best possible options to give back to the community.So stuff like additional tiers, revamped goals and more will be coming soon!Also, super stoked to see many new people coming over and supporting my work, thanks so much to all of you making this happen!,Spend some more time sculpting some additional foliage pieces for my current scene. I'm trying to create a nice amount of variation within the foliage so I can create a nice bunch of plants, as well as better prepare for future scenes and building up assets for my personal asset library at the same time!Currently working on Hosta, Golden Phoros and bird's nest fern. But the set will probably expand to include other plans/leaves going forward. I'm looking forward finishing the detail pass which I'm already working on as well.More coming soon!


Finished artpieces from within the community.

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From artists all over the world, these are artworks that have been shared by our community and have inspired us all!

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From artists all over the world, these are artworks that have been shared by our community and have inspired us all!

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weekly tip

From artists all over the world, these are artworks that have been shared by our community and have inspired us all!

weekly tip