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weekly blog

Bottlenecking myself & Texture Baking - Part 1


artist credit
Nate Rulli
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Hope you all had a fantastic one! I've had a really good week myself, we just had our yearly check-in which is a meeting to discuss your future and how you have performed over the last year and without really delving into the specifics I'm really happy with the outcome. However it still is super weird to me to sit in a room and just talk about me for 1.5 hours straight, it's really good that we have a system that recognises and pushes recognition for the thing you do and bring to the company. But still, it makes me uncomfortable!Bottlenecking myselfAnother thing that I have been thinking about is that I have been really bottlenecking myself lately, especially with the website creation side of things. It might be time to let go of the idea that I really need to do anything myself to have it done well. We touched on it last week but I really feel that this is holding me back and will have to do something about this. So I'll have to start reaching out to some people as I already had an offer from someone... So lets have a look and see where this one leads us.Hopefully I can get over this feeling somehow as it's just creating unnecessary restrictions on the stuff that I want to do, plus it's a good investment for the future and will give back to my supporters in the long run too!‍,Article preparationsSome of the stuff I have been working on is still under wraps and I've also added an additional small section to a longer article and was happy to help out with it, as soon as there issue re information available or it gets released I'll make sure to share it here!Building the homepageSo this is where we go into the website section again, which I spend a fair bit of time on again and is also why I started looking at outsourcing this. Spending my time on this doesn't really make that much sense if I can just let someone else do it in a fraction of the time, hopefully I can break out of my comfort zone for this one.Planning the courseLastly also spend a fair bit of time working on the course materials that I want to provide for new people getting the mentorship. Firstly I'll need to start by dividing it into weeks, what key points to hit in which week and build out from there. There's a lot to figure out here but I'm making some solid progress! I'm excited and fearful of the recording sessions that are going to come soon enough!‍


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From artists all over the world, these are artworks that have been shared by our community and have inspired us all!

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From artists all over the world, these are artworks that have been shared by our community and have inspired us all!

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