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team challenge documentation


team challenge

If you cant find the answers for your issues here please contact the team by using '@Community Builder' on discord who should be able to assist you.
Please take a screenshot of your issue as it helps us solve it and also lets us add to the FAQ in the future

Q: What version of Unreal Engine are we using?

A: For the Challenge we're using Unreal Engine 5.0.3, which you can get from your epic games launcher.

Q: Are their any hardware requirements?

A. You need to have a computer capable of running UE5 fairly well, likely beyond the minimum system requirements set by EPIC. The scenes by the challenges nature can get a little heavy sometimes.

Q: I'm still struggling to run the scene what can i do ?

A: Here are some tips if your struggling with the scene performance:

Q: Is there any Beyond Extent branding for my challenge renders ?

A: Yes you can download the generic branding package here or challenge specific one will be available on the discord towards the end of the challenge.
Branding Package Download

Q: Can we use Megascans?

A: See the rules. No 3rd Party assets can be used in the scene we want to see what you can make.
You can still use things such purchased alphas or smart materials in substance painter to texturing an asset for example.

Q: Can we use other people's VFX?

We will make an exception for this, since the environment challenge is meant for Environment Artists we don't expect you to create your own VFX for this challenge. But use them wisely and make sure to keep their size in check

Q: Can we use previously made personal assets?

A: No, we want people to create assets from scratch for these challenges.

Q: I'm not seeing people changes when I open the engine?

A: You need to pull all the latest changes before you can see other people's changes. Click the source control drop down at the top of UE4 and select sync

Q: I've made a big error and need to undo it?

A: If you haven't submitted the changes you can just right click on the effected assets and revert changes (or click on source control at the top of UE4 and revert all to undo all changes). If you have submit your changes and need to revert to a previous version please contact a community builder as the process guide for this is still WIP

Q: Some files are being ignored when I sync is this right ?

A: Yes. Binaries, Build, Derived Data Cache, Intermediate, Saved folders + some file types are ignored. This does mean that screenshots won't sync and that is deliberate. If you need to share screenshot please do so via your teams feedback channels on Discord.